Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Genital Warts Treatment

The term “Genital Warts” describes a sexually transmitted disease which is caused by Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV). The symptoms include the appearance of rashes and redness between the genital and the anal area. Usually the affected area brings about itching and swelling, while in some cases the rashes tend to bleed. The disease makes no sexual discrimination as it can occur at both male and female persons and the chances of getting contaminated are much more at the age category of 18 to 35 years. As anyone can realize, the situation is a discomforting and embarrassing one and that’s why a variety of remedies and tips have emerged in order to deal with it.

Before we get to present some of the Genital Warts treatments and Genital Warts home remedies for , it’s absolutely crucial to have in mind that this health disorder is highly contagious; and the most frequent way of transmitting it from one person to another is through sexual intercourse. (It is estimated that you have more than 50% chances of getting infected by having just one sexual contact with an infected partner!) Therefore, you should be really careful not to get in touch with a contaminated person and, of course, avoid having sexual contact or, if this is unavoidable, always use a condom.
Also, a distinction must be made between the classic – and more severe – form of the disease and that which is known as “Mild Genital Warts”. The latter describes a situation in which the infected individual is not subsequent to pain and irritation as the symptoms are not very intense while they come and go until they eventually disappear. However, if the signs insist, you have to take some action.

Now, can Genital Warts be cured? Of course they can. However, despite the fact that there is a wide range of treatments and natural remedies, none of them can guarantee a total elimination and relief for the sufferer while, in many cases, the redness and irritation can bounce back.Click here to know more about Genital Warts Treatment product.

To start with home remedies for Genital Warts treatment, which are cost-free and incomparably easier to conduct, the first step is to interpret the signs of the disease. After confirming that the problem exists, you should take the necessary precautions so as to prevent trauma and bleeding at the trouble area, but avoid picking or squeezing the warts. Then, a variety of options appears. The most common home remedy include the applying of apple cider vinegar using a soft dry cloth and making a mild massage on the infected area. Moreover, you can deal with the issue by resorting to Vitamin E oil remedy; you simply rub the infected area with a cotton ball 4-6 times on a daily basis and you will soon notice that the symptoms fade. Also, the sap from an injured milkweed plant can relieve you a lot if applied twice a day. Finally, you can ask for the services of an aloe vera juice and apply it directly on the affected area; this can also provide quick relief and make the redness disappear after a little.

However, there is a great chance that the symptoms of the disease insist no matter how hard you try to fight them. In cases like these, you medical treatment is needed. Visiting you doctor consists the step one and he or she can prescribe you a topical medication. Apart from that, Cryotherapy is used to freeze the wart off, while Electrocautery burns the warts off using electricity. The last two options are surgical applying either laser (rather expensive) or cutting the warts (rather painful). Both may leave scars which will remind you of your little adventure. So, you need to think carefully which one you will follow.

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

Juvenile Warts - What Are Their Characteristics and What Wart Removal Treatment May Be Used

A juvenile wart (also called flat wart) is in reality a benign tumor that causes no real or little physical harm. Juvenile warts are more commonly found in children and adolescents. They usually occur on the face, arms, hands and knees of young individuals. Click here to know about wart removal products.

They are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. This is a type of virus that can be found in moist and warm habitats. Therefore it may easily be found in bathroom floors and swimming pool areas.
It usually enters the body from little cuts in the skin. It is particularly important not to walk bare footed in communal showers or on wet floors near swimming pools, in order to limit exposure to the human papilloma virus

The human papilloma virus is contagious and it can be transmitted form one person to another. Sometimes an individual may be a carrier of a virus for several months or even years until it develops into a wart. Because of this it is difficult to determine when the individual had got the virus.

Although juvenile warts pose no or very little health risk, they have the tendency to increase in number. So it is important to treat them as soon as possible.
Another important reason why they should be treated is that they may interfere with the self confidence of the kid or adolescent.

There are many over the counter wart removal treatments. Unfortunately many of these are not effective at all. Some of them may help to kill the wart but remember also that warts have a tendency to re-occur. Some type of wart removal treatment may also damage the skin.

A juvenile wart may also be removed by surgery. These may include:
• Electrosurgery
• Cryosurgery
• Laser therapy.

Electrosurgery uses a heated needle to remove warts. Such a process is however painful, even though aesthesia is administered to reduce pain. Perhaps one of the disadvantages of this wart removal treatment is that it generally leaves a scar.

Cryosurgery involves a process where the juvenile wart is frozen by an instrument. An anesthesia is usually also applied and you may need more than on session for completer removal of the same wart.
Laser therapy involves directing a powerful bean of light to the wart so to burn it. This type of treatment may be quite expensive especially if you have a large number of warts.

Alternative and home treatments for warts may also be used to effectively treat your juvenile warts. Although some of these methods produce little results, others are known to be quite effective and have been used for many years.

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

What Causes Skin Moles?

Skin moles are growths on the skin, often round or oval-shaped with a dark color. The color may however vary to different shades. Some skin moles are flat while others are a bit raised from the skin.

A skin mole is caused by the melanocyte cells in the skin. These cells produce melanin and are responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and hair. It is formed when melanocyte cells do not spread thought the skin but grow in clusters.

Usually melanocyte cells grow normally and so the growth is usually benign. However in certain cases the melanocye cells may start to grow in an abnormal way, which may result in melanoma, a cancer of the skin.
Skin moles are very common. Most of them are present at birth while others appear as the person grows older. Some may also disappear with age. Their main causes depend mainly on:
- Heredity

- Exposure to sunlight
- Hormonal changes
- Age

They may become darker.The principle reason for this is too much exposure to sunlight. Heavy exposure to sunlight during childhood and the teenage years highly increases the chances of developing new skin moles or that current ones increase in size. Sun beds and tanning saloons can also increase their growth.

Our genes determine many factors. If your parents have plenty of skin moles, probably you will have a lot too. Further more a history of skin cancer in your family also increases the risk that a mole may grow or develops into a cancerous growth.

Hormonal changes also make them to grow or new ones to appear. This may more commonly happen during pregnancy, the menopausal stage and during teenage years.
Generally as we get older, some tend to disappear.

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal